Friday, March 12, 2010

I have completed all of my surveys/documents that I need for the action research project. I am really excited about what I have come up with. I really hope one of the techniques I am using will actually help the students in the class. I have started my research projecta couple of weeks ago and am finding mild success. I am not sure if it just the repetitive nature or if they are actually learning something. I guess that's one of the questions for action researchers...are they really learning what you think they are? The kids have been really helpful. I explained what I was doing and why and they seemed excited about taking part in this project. I think students sometimes forget that teachers are students as well. We are also trying to study what is right for the kids and what would be better for the kids. We are always trying to find ways that these kids learn better and in turn we are studying how to make ourselves more efficient. I think also that students sometimes don't understand that we are students off campus as well. They think we go home and thats it. They don't realize that many of us go to college in the evenings and do professional learning classes such as this one to keep learning and to keep studying. Of course, students do not have a really good perspective on their teachers anyway. Most students think all of their teachers are realy old and go home to sit and wait for school the next day. Many of them would not even dream of teachers having kids of their own, much less personal lives of any kind. Yes, this project at least will help some of my students understand that teachers are students as well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for great observations. This really gives us insight into the professional development process.
