Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Example of Parent Notification

The following is exactly what it says, an application to borrow an instrument. At the elementary level the band directors are usually expected to give the kid an instrument to borrow. We of course have to maintain these instruments and keep them in working order no matter what. This gets very tedious because even though you preach about the proper way to take care of an instrument...these are still kids and kids sometimes just don't listen. I have kids all the time giving me excuses about not having their instrument. I have had kids leave their instrument at daycare, at a relatives house, and yes the inevitable trunk of the care. I try not to cringe or get angry, but sometimes it just seems like the kids just don't care about all of the work I have to put into their instruments!!

XXXXXX Elementary School
2009-20010 School Year



Street Address

Home Phone
Apartment #

Work Phone

Zip Code
Cell Phone

If my child is selected to use a school instrument, I agree to:

Sign a loaner card to assume responsibility for the instrument while it is in my and/or my child’s care.
Pay the cost of repairs if the instrument is damaged while in my and/or my child’s care. If the instrument is lost I will pay the amount specified on the loaner card to purchase a replacement instrument. I understand that my child’s grades (and transcripts, if applicable) will not be released until the instrument has been returned to the school and any money owed for loss and/or repair has been paid in full.
I will return the instrument, in good condition, at the end of each semester; when my child withdraws from the school; or at any time when requested by the school.

Print Parent/Guardian Name

Signature of Parent/Guardian


Elementary Schools

DATE: August 2009

FROM: Mandy Corso, Director
Band Instrument Instruction

Your child wishes to be in band class. I am writing to give you a few details and to request permission for your child to be enrolled in this class.

Students must be regular in school attendance, and on time.
Students must do well in their class work and homework.
Students must be trustworthy. Band students must be called upon to take unusual responsibilities reliably.
Students must be superior in cooperation and respect toward other students, teachers, and administrators.
Students must perform as well as they can in band class. The level of achievement must be high enough to justify their being absent from other academic work.
Students must have permission of their parents (see below).
7. Band Instruments are available for student use. These instruments are school owned instruments and are to be returned in the same condition as they were in at the beginning of the school year.
Please complete and return the attached form to your child’s classroom teacher on or before August 21. I will collect the forms from the classroom teacher.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school. I look forward to working with your child this year.

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